Our Services

  • Strategy

    The digital revolution is disrupting every industry. Established businesses need strong strategic vision if they are going to keep up with or overtake their new competitors. We build the models and frameworks that give our clients competitive advantage.

    Creating a shared vision in collaboration with our clients not only shows the way ahead, it also gives stakeholders something to stand behind and be proud of.

    We use a number of tried-and-tested strategy and innovation processes, empowering our clients to deliver both internal and external change and help them survive and thrive in a customer-centric future.

  • Get in Touch

    From creating a strategic vision to changing mindsets, from innovating new customer experiences to technical delivery, we provide an in-house end-to-end service.

    Get in touch to find out how we can help you define the future.


  • Business Consulting

    Companies often know they need to change, but lack the time and perspective needed to focus on it. We provide the resources necessary to plan successful strategies to increase market share, profit and revenue.  

    Rather than simply translating current processes straight to digital, which comes with the danger of mirroring inefficiencies, our knowledge and experience means we can bring in cutting-edge ideas not just from your industry but also from beyond it.  

    Beginning by gaining an in-depth understanding of all aspects of the business, we evaluate what change is needed, identifying areas for increased efficiencies and potential new business models and opportunities and projecting the cost and returns created by new initiatives.

  • Customer Experience Design

    Customer experience (CX) is the orchestration of all individual user touchpoints in all channels of the customer journey, including the products themselves, the sales process, delivery and customer service.  

    For customers to remember positive experiences overall, each element has to work together seamlessly to deliver on the brand promise. But the rewards for business providing an outstanding experience are great – increased loyalty, advocacy and expanding market share.   

    We can help you focus on the customer experience to get ahead of your competitors. To do this, we’ll carry out research and use journey mapping to understand the current customer journey, articulating their feelings and motivations at every interaction point. This highlights gaps and pain points as well as potential business opportunities. Then we re-imagine the whole experience into one that is effortless, seamless and enjoyable from beginning to end.  

  • Employee Experience Design

    Changing company culture is probably the most challenging part of digital transformation because it’s about people and emotion. For long-term success the workforce must be invited on the journey with the C-suite and be fully engaged with the process and the ‘new normal’. 

    New ways of working can reduce effort, positively impact on culture and increase job satisfaction. This is not just about communicating change, but helping people to become part of it. BIO can support clients by building an employee experience strategy that wins hearts and minds as well as ensuring that all employees are properly represented.   

    By empowering employees and increasing levels of engagement we can help clients not only build loyalty amongst their staff but also create better customer experiences because of it.  

  • Technical Delivery and Development

    BIO uses the latest tech and tools to design develop, deploy and maintain the solutions our clients expect. Tried-and-tested methodologies and best-in-class workflow tools ensure they are robust and fit for purchase. 

    Typically we use Scrum as our primary agile framework because of the big advantages it offers for complex technical projects – transparency, flexibility and speed with an emphasis on teamwork. Before we start the delivery phase, we break it down into tasks created from a series of user stories. This wish list of requirements describes all the features of the site and sits within the overall Product Backlog, together with Acceptance Criteria outlining what success means. 

    During delivery we aim to complete a set of user stories in 2-week sprints. At the end of each sprint the goal is the successful release of one or more features. It means we can test early and often, and that we can demonstrate progress, giving our clients confidence in our application codebase. 

  • Digital Innovation

    Digital innovation means making rapid change by using digital technology to enhance services, traditional models, products and processes.   

    Through understanding customers needs, motivations and journeys and working collaboratively with clients and stakeholders we find new solutions, rapidly iterating creative concepts until they are satisfying and effortless to use. 

    Digital innovation can stave off the threat of digital disruption by making improvements to a companys services. Its particularly relevant to well-established companies that dont have the time or resources day-to-day to re-imagine existing processes. BIO can help you rapidly deliver services and innovations that will keep you front of mind with customers and ahead of the competition. By creating groundbreaking new experiences at speed we can dramatically improve customer engagement. 

  • Digital Transformation

    Digital transformation means making a fundamental change from the current state of a business to one in which digital technology is integrated into all areas of the business, improving operational efficiency and delivering value to customers. 

    It’s also a cultural change, a shift in mindset where the whole company supports a new way of thinking. After digital transformation, change is constant, experimentation is built into the business model and ‘failing fast’ is seen as essential to the learning process. Giving you not just a vision but also a roadmap for the future, we look at everything from operations to technology to culture – this is essential if transformation is to be genuine, long-term and successful. We will work with you as the business transforms into one that is efficient, customer-centric and thriving through continuous change. 

  • Service Design

    To create great customer experience you need great service design: the careful planning and organisation of all the behind-the scenes infrastructure and elements that bring it into being.

    So, how do we go about designing a service? First we must understand the current customer experience and the systems, communications, culture and employee experience that creates it. Once we have a holistic view we can see where gaps and problems are and solve them, working out what the new service should look like and what will need to change within the business in order for it run smoothly.

    We involve customers, staff and other stakeholders at each stage of the design process, gaining their insights and validating new innovations. Testing ideas along the way means we can greatly reduce risk before rolling out at scale.